Thursday, January 1, 2009

Meringue Drops- An Addiction

Even with all the Christmas goodies still in the house I was craving something more. I hadn't made meringue drops in a while and had alot of eggs left so I decided to make some. It worked out awesome , I was able to practice my lack of piping skills .

I used this recipe ....

I did make some changes though...

I used vanilla extract instead of almond
I set my oven to 275, instead of 225 ( this was my error , not something I planned)
I dyed some of the batter red

I had every intention of sharing these with my co-workers but they never left the house. oops!

These cookies are so insanely easy to make, I still have eggs left so I'll probably make them again!


How To Eat A Cupcake said...

My grandma used to make these for me and my cousins when we were little!!

Anonymous said...

They're beautiful and tempting! I have never made meringues but I want to try. Hopefully mine will hold up to the Guam humidity!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE meringues...and they're not too bad for the hips!

Happy 2009!